Fiche cheval prince of bon bon

mercury handicapR2C4plathappy valley1200 M10223512 partantsDépart 12:15
13flying on the turfH74p5p0p0p0ppurton z.4.55/101:09
24g one excellentH52p2p8p4p3pho c.y.2.75/11 l 1/4
310heavenly thoughtH89p0p0p9p8phamelin a.43/11 l 3/4
46aca powerH65p2p0p0p5pcurrie l.22/12 l 1/2
59the good dealH57p7p6p7p0pchan k.h.63/1encolure
62take what you needH75p9p3p8p8pbowman h.5.8/11/2 l
75wins allH74p3p9p5p4phewitson l.34/1tete
812dashing geniusH45p6p0p0p6pteetan k.9.3/11/2 l
97prince of bon bonH77p0p(21)7p0ppoon m.f.112/11 l 3/4
101divine eraH64p7p0p0p0pleung k.c.17/11 l 1/4
118handsome guysH55p3p3p7p8pferraris l.6.55/11 l
1211call me luH50p0p9p0p0pyeung m.l.53/111 l

pottinger handicap - section 1R6C2plathappy valley1000 M10223512 partantsDépart 11:15
19handsome rebelH70p5p0p4p7pwong c./100:57
23happy fat catH40p0p0p3p0pwong h.n./13 l
312raging blazeH54p8p2p5p7pbadel a./1cte tete
45diamond soarsH47p4p0p0p0pde sousa s./1encolure
51goodmanshipH56p1p(21)0p9phewitson l./1encolure
67day day richH65p4p8p2ppurton z./11/2 l
78prince of bon bonH70p(21)7p0p0pleung k.c./1encolure
82carry the diamondH63p1p9p3p6pferraris l./1tete
911split of a secondH92p6p5p5p6pho c.y./1tete
104super kingdomH40p0p0p(21)5pmaia r./13/4 l
116this is gutsH50p7p0p(21)0pchau c.l./1encolure
1210alloy kingH67p7p0p0phamelin a./1cte tete

new zealand handicapR2C6plathappy valley1200 M11396312 partantsDépart 13:15
16flying aceH4Inéditpoon m.f./101:09
22xponentialH62p2p2p1p8pmcdonald j./1encolure
37sight heroH43p1p5p9p6ppurton z./1tete
41rewarding togetherH5(20)2p1p3p9pleung k.c./13/4 l
58spartan missileH42p0p9p8pferraris l./12 l
65regency starH41p8p6p6p0pbadel a./1encolure
712prince of bon bonH60p0p9p9p0pmo h.t./1cte tete
811cordyceps oneH43p3p0p8p9pho c.y./1encolure
94aurora pegasusH78p6p8p5p2pmoreira j./13/4 l
103happy good guysH66p0p4p3p8plane d./13 l
1110beauty cheersH50p5p2p8p6pborges v./11/2 l
129hin yuen bisH5(20)8p6p2p6pyeung m.l./11 l 3/4

tiger prawn handicapR6C7plathappy valley1200 M11396312 partantsDépart 13:45
17stormtrouperH52p3p5p6p0ppurton z./101:09
25whiskey neatH55p4p0p8p2pshinn b./11 l 3/4
31joyful winH45p4p4p3p1pchadwick m./11/2 l
49lucky maryknollF53p1p2p2p0pmaia r./13/4 l
511touch faithH46p0p9p3p4pmoreira j./1encolure
64lucky archangelH40ppoon m.f./1cte tete
72noble desireH57p1p6p1p4pchau c.l./11 l 1/4
86regency starH46p6p0pbentley h./1encolure
98good shotH74p6p7p7p6pteetan k./1cte tete
1010prince of bon bonH60p9p9p0p6pho c.y./1encolure
113flying giantH5Inéditmo h.t./11/2 l
1212vast starlightH50p0p0p(20)9plai h.w./13 l 1/2